Sunday, January 31, 2010


Last summer, my wife had gone to the Trader Days in McKinney with a couple of her friends. She told me that there was a booth there with some Muslims sharing about Islam with people. We decided it was a good idea to go back so that I could talk with these men. I spoke with them for 20 minutes or so, but it was nearing the end of the day when I got to talk to them. I gave one of them my card so that we could talk more later. However, I've never heard from them since.

At another booth, I meet Wally. He had a booth sharing the Gospel using the Eye Test and the Way of the Master. Wally is also involved with Extreme Missionary Adventure. We exchanged contact information and agreed to keep in touch so we could do ministry together. Over the past couple of months, Wally and I have talked several times. He is now teaching Way of the Master Basic Training at his church. Once the class is instructed, he wants to be able to take the members out door to door so they can use what they have learned.

Wally and I agreed to meet on Saturday morning. Little did we know it would be one of the coldest days in Dallas this winter. Wally came to my house and we had some good fellowship and a cup of coffee before we headed out. As we walked down the alley from my house to the street, we had to be careful as the water in the alley had formed a thin sheet of ice. I shared with Wally my experiences going door to door. I told him how you could get any response from people not being home, to those that would allow you to share the Gospel. We experienced all of that in a short time.

In the first ten houses, nearly no one was home. This really surprised us since we figured the cold weather would have kept people home. We eventually were able to have three one on one conversations with people. At one house we had a good conversation with the woman that lives there. She readily admitted to breaking the commandments by dishonoring her mom and dad, stealing and lying. However, she said that when she is judged, "it would be based on the whole body of work of her life." We explained to her that in a court room a judge does not do that. She agreed. However, she did not connect the dots to God. At that, she said it was too cold to continue the conversation so I gave her a "Why Christianity?" tract.

The last conversation was with a Catholic man. I asked him "as a Catholic, what do you think happens when you die?" He then explained to me how he hoped his good works would be enough get him to heaven. I explained to him difference between what he believes and the Biblical Gospel that says you must repent of your sins and trust solely in Jesus for salvation. He also took a tract.

We visited 26 houses, had 3 one on one conversations, got 3 prayer requests and gathered 19 food items. This brings the total number of houses visited to 663 with 176 one on one conversations. I have now collected 110 prayer requests and 588 food items.

Thanks for your continued prayer and support.

Are you ready to start going door to door in your neighborhood? Could you commit to sharing the Gospel with everyone on your street? Everyone on your block? Everyone in your zip code? Everyone in your city? Pray about it. If God leads you to get started then please contact me so we can discuss it and add you to the door to door map.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Why Christianity?

As I have been going door to door, I've handed out a lot of tracts and booklets. I've been praying about what other resources to provide people. So I ordered copies of Why Christianity on DVD from Living Waters. When ordered in bulk (10 or more) you can get these for just $2 a each! I've been carrying these with me for the last couple of times out going door to door. Today I was able to give away the first two copies. 

The first DVD went to Andrew. He is an agnostic. His dad was a Buddhist and his mom is Roman Catholic. Andrew was not sure if there is enough evidence to believe in God. I talked to him about creation and the evidence that the Bible manuscripts are true. Then I took him to the Law and walked him through the good test. He admitted that he had lied, stolen, blasphemed God and lusted. He agreed that if God exists, then he would go to hell.He said that his motto is "live and let live." And I shared with him that that verse agrees with what the Bible says in John 3:19, "And this is the judgment: the light has come into the world, andpeople loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil." I offered him the DVD along with a challenge that he needs to decide what is true and not just what he believes. 

Two houses later, I meet Nathan. When I asked him if he believed in God, he said, "I am a Jehovah Witness." Rather than immediately challenging him on who Jesus is, I asked if he would go to heaven and then took him through the Ten Commandments. I reminded him that the command is "to be perfect as your father in heaven is perfect." He admitted to lying and hatred which is murder. When we started to talk about hell, he said, he was busy and needed to go. So I asked if he would watch a DVD and he said he would. So I gave him a copy of Why Christianity too.

I was able to visit 43 other houses. I had 9 other one on one conversations. I gathered four prayer requests. And I collected a whole cart full of food to donate to MetroCrest Social Services.

My Challenge to You
May I challenge you to take the step to go door to door in your neighborhood. Do a food drive. Ask for prayer requests. Then ask if they believe in God. See where the conversation goes and share the Gospel with them. Give them a tract. Or simply leave the tract on the door when they are not home. We never know which will fall on the good soil.

If you live around Dallas, why not come with me sometime soon. Get some hands on experience going door to door, then start doing the same in your neighborhood. If you are not close by, then feel free to contact me, leave a comment or check out the door to door recourses on the Bezeugen web site and this BLOG for guidance on getting started. Once you decide to cover your neighborhood, city or zip code, let me know and I'll add you to the map. May God be glorified as we share the Gospel door to door!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Years Day door to door evangelism

On New Years Day, I started off the year by going door to door in my neighborhood. I was not sure how it would be received given that it was a holiday. However, I ended up having some great one on one conversations, gathered prayer requests and collected the largest amount of food in a single day yet!

The picture at the right shows the wagon full of food that I collected. That's right - my cart has become too small to carry the generous donations of food, so I am now using my wagon (that I've had since I was a kid) to carry the food home.

The table below shows the progress over the past three door to door outings as well as the totals since I started going door to door.

     1 on 1's

I would like to share one an exciting thing that happened when I went door to door on December 26. I was going to spend two hours going door to door in my neighborhood and then meet some friends in Dallas for Project Ezra, witnessing and tract distribution before the Dallas Mavericks game. At the last house that I went to I had the pleasure of speaking with two believers. We had a great time of fellowship and we talked about evangelism. The man said, "I wonder why God orchestrated this meeting?" I replied, "probably to encourage you to share your faith more." I then realized I was late for getting home to eat lunch before going to the basketball game. I thanked them both for their time and headed home. When I got home, I was eating lunch when a car pulled up and a man came walking up to my door. I answered the door. It was the man I had just been talking too. He said, "are you going to be staying for the game?" I said, "No!" He said, "can I come along with you?" I said, "of course!"

It turns out that from our conversation he felt convicted to join us on our witnessing event. We had a nice time of fellowship and handed out lots of tracts. It was really great for God to show me this other fruit of my door to door efforts that this man not only joined the tract club, but joined us witnessing. And, I expect he will be joining us again in the near future.