Having been doing door to door for nearly a year, I've been continually praying about how to do this more efficiently and also help others get started. In about two weeks we will have the following available:
A door hangar - the door hangar will be 11x4.5 inches. It will have an expanded Gospel message (more than twice as many words as our typical business card sized tracts). It will have an offer for a free DVD. The DVD that we will be using is "The Big Question" by Wretched. You can watch a preview below. The thought is that each group will stock the DVD themselves ($1 a piece in a spindle from wretched.tv). In the event you can't stock them, then we may be able to help by providing you a smaller quantity than Wretched sells. Finally, the door hangar will have a place where you can affix a label with your personal or church contact information.
Prayer Cards - we will be making pads with 50 prayer request cards on each pad. We will also be providing the PDF to make these yourself via the web site. With the PDF you can either contact your local Office Max (or similar) and have them make pads for you. Or you can just print them and use them on a clip board without making them into pads.
Food Drive sheets - up until now, I've been using a sheet about the food drive that comes from the food pantry. However, in order to provide a level of indirection with the food pantry, I've contacted several other food pantries that I can donate food to. I've also made my own flyer about the food drive which lists the various food pantries we are working with. The food drive sheets will be available as a PDF with a place to put a label about the food pantry (or pantries) that you are working with. I may make these into pads, or simply just print a few pages out as I need them. I don't typically go through very many of these sheets as I generally only leave one behind when the people are interested in making a donation later.
If you are thinking of getting started with a door to door campaign in your neighborhood, please check the video and information on the web site. Then let me know if you would like a starter pack of door hangars. What I am thinking is that we should be able to mail about 100 of them in a flat rate envelope. I wont know the exact logistics until I receive the door hangars. I am working with the printer to get pricing on these door hangars for you. So my thought is that once we send you the initial set, you'll be able to order more direct from the printer.
Let me know your thoughts. I pray that these resources will be valuable.
8 years ago
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